Experts in Water Treatment and Legionella
(+34) 902 430 731CUSTOMER PORTAL

Stenco | Stenco

Experts in Water, Environment and Legionella
Analysis, Control, Training, Treatments, Purification, Reuse and Management of Water and Legionella
Over 60 years of Experience

About us

Stenco was founded in 1960 and currently involves more than 20,000m² of Engineering, Offices, Factory and Warehouse, R + D + i, Laboratory and modern facilities, with more than 100 professionals and more than 4,000 clients throughout Spain and in all sectors industrial (food, chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, paper, automobile, tanning, etc) and the tertiary sector (hotels, psa, shopping centers, etc).

With more than 60 years of experience, we are the Water Treatment and Legionella prevention company, with the greatest experience, clients, recognitions, and accreditations in Spain.

Stenco offers Solutions for an Efficient Water Management in:

  • Prevention of Legionella
  • Boiler Treatment
  • Treatment of Towers and Circuits
  • Sanitary Water Treatment
  • Cleaning and Disinfection
  • Water Analysis
  • Environmental Audits
  • Sewage Treatment
  • Water Reuse
  • Advice and Training


Commitment to our customers



Customers who recommended us



Students satisfied with our training courses



Our values

Technical and Commercial Professionalism

Specialized Technicians

Custom Solutions

Quality Products and Services

Proximity to the Client

Efficient Solutions

Our clients

Stenco has more than 3,000 clients in Spain; companies and entities of the Tertiary Sector (Hotels, spas, gyms, shopping centers, etc.) and Industries of all sectors (food, pharmaceutical, chemical, automotive, metallurgical, textile, tanning, etc.), as well as professionals related to the Water and Legionella Sector.

Our mission

The Mission of Stenco is to offer our Clients integrated and customized solutions to the needs related to the use throughout the Integral Water Cycle (management, analysis, control, advice, training, treatment, purification and reuse) and Prevention and Control of the Legionella, in order to optimize its Productivity and achieve its Environmental Sustainability Objectives.


Our vision

Stenco wants to be the benchmark and trusted ally of its clients, who acts as an expert in services and integrated solutions for the treatment of water and Legionella, in the industrial and service sectors, in Spain.

Our Social Purpose

The Social Purpose of Stenco is to improve the Environment and Public Health: Optimizing the quality of our rivers from the impact of discharges, optimizing and improving the water quality of industrial processes and human consumption, and contributing positively to health public preventing outbreaks of legionellosis.



You can contact our headquarters through:

(+34) 902 430 731


We are close to you

Madrid (+34 ) 918 08 37 52Barcelona (+34 ) 935 72 02 80Zaragoza (+34 ) 976 25 83 81Valencia (+34 ) 963 217 055Sevilla (+34 ) 955 186 556Bilbao (+34 ) 945 10 01 41Vigo (+34 ) 986 919 065Valladolid (+34 ) 983 669 076Murcia (+34 ) 968 929 011Canarias (+34 ) 922 33 47 49